Tuesday, January 10, 2012

Making progress

 Yesterday I was able to work for two uninterrupted hours, painting flowers and listening to classical music on the satellite TV--no announcers and no commercials.

I still have to work on the flowers in the center of the plate and paint some small flowers in the rim.

It's getting there.

Sunday, January 8, 2012

Getting started

It's been  awhile since I've painted, so I spent a little time practicing first, and then chose a flower (the cabbage rose) that I've painted many times.  It took a little time to get started.  I had to take the linseed oil back to Michael's because I couldn't get the top off.  But it all worked out.  It's great to have a paint brush back in my hand.

Monday, January 2, 2012

Back at it!

Now that the excitement of moving, Thanksgiving and Christmas are behind me, I'm determined to get back to painting.  I am using the laundry room for the background painting, but I'll use the breakfast area, with its windows and beautiful views of the mountains, for the creative work.